Privacy policy

Last update: January 4, 2024

The mission of Le Figaro Properties (site published by Figaro Classifieds) is to accompany you in the construction of your high-end real estate project, through news, advice and announcements (hereinafter the "Mission").

Figaro Classifieds (Le Figaro Properties) respects your right to privacy. This privacy policy (as well as any document or information notice referring to this policy) informs you about the way in which personal data collected in the context of Figaro Classifieds real estate sites (hereinafter the "Site"), Figaro Classifieds mobile applications (hereinafter the« Application »), as well as the services offered through the Site or the Application, such as the possibility of contacting real estate professionals, the creation of e-mail alerts, etc., are handled (hereinafter the « Services »).

To find out more about our policy and to determine your choices as regards the use of cookies on Le Figaro Properties, you can consult the notice entitled cookies.


• What data do we collect?

The use of the Site, the Application and the Services leads to the collection of personal data directly concerning you, such as the data you communicate to create an account, to complete your user space, when you contact us, or in general, the data you declare when you use the Services. Information about your activity on the Site, the Application and the use of the Services, including connection and navigation data, makes it possible to link data concerning you, including data collected from the sites/applications of other entities of the Le Figaro Group or from customer sites/applications of our regulated partners and whatever the terminal used and thus to produce user profiles for advertising targeting purposes, subject to their consent when required.

> For more information

• Why do we collect personal data?

We collect personal data for the following main reasons: (i) to provide the Subscribed Services, facilitate use of the Site, Application and manage our relationships and interactions with our users; (ii) to perform statistics; (iii) to send personalised promotional offers to our users and display advertising on this Site, Application and/or other sites/applications.

> For more information

• Which people collect data about you?

Figaro Classifieds is primarily responsible for the collection and processing of personal data via the Site, the Application and for the needs of the Services. However, certain functions of the Site, the Application or the use of certain services (such as sending a request for information to a real estate professional, access to products and services / content, advertising) involve the processing of information about you by third parties.

> For more information

• What is the legal basis for the data collection we conduct?

We only collect personal data when we have a legal basis to do so (contract, legitimate interest, consent, legal obligations)

> For more information

• How long is this information kept?

Generally speaking, your personal data are kept in an active database for the time necessary to manage the Services to which you have subscribed, as well as for as long as your user account remains active. Some of your data may be retained after your account is closed to manage pending claims or litigation.

> For more information

• With whom do we share this information?

Your personal data may be communicated to real estate professionals when you fill out a contact form on an ad. They may also be communicated to our service providers and subcontractors to the extent necessary for the management of the Site, Application and Services to which you have subscribed. With your consent where required, it may also be shared with our business partners to provide you with personalised promotional offers and services, including from third parties, as well as for advertising purposes, usually tailored to your areas of interest and/or your location.

> For more information

• How is the security of my personal data ensured?

We implement measures to ensure the security of the Site, the Application and the Services and thus protect your personal data against any access by unauthorised third parties.

> For more information

• Are personal data transferred outside the European Union?

We store your Personal Data in the European Union. However, it is possible that the data we collect when you use our Site, Application or Services may be transferred outside the European Union to countries whose applicable data protection legislation differs from that applicable in France. In this case, we implement the safeguards provided by applicable data protection legislation to ensure an adequate level of protection of the transferred data.

> For more information

• How to unsubscribe from Le Figaro Properties communications and manage marketing options

You can unsubscribe from communications from Le Figaro Properties at any time and manage your commercial prospecting options.

> For more information and to use your options

• What can I do if I don't want targeted advertising?

You may withdraw your consent to the use of our regulated partners' technologies for targeted advertising purposes at any time. Note, refusing targeted advertising will not prevent the display or reception of other types of non-targeted advertising.

> For more information and to use your options

• How to access my personal data? How can I correct, delete or exercise my other rights?

You have several rights (access, rectification, deletion, opposition and limitation, portability, complaint) in application of the applicable legislation on the protection of personal data enabling you to ensure control of the processing of your personal data.

> For more information and to exercise your rights

• How to contact us?

• How are you informed of changes to this policy?


We collect several types of personal data about you:

The data you give us: this is the identification and contact information you give us when you create an account, to complete your personal space or in general to use our Services (such as your last name, first name, title, e-mail address, postal address, telephone number, borrowing capacity, address of the property for sale (as part of a price estimation service), etc.).

Data generated as a result of your use of the Site, Application and Services when you are identified as, your real estate search criteria, the frequency and intensity of use of our services, traces of your connections).

Data collected automatically on your browser whether you are connected or not: this is information that is linked to your browser (such as your online activities on the Site or Application, your visits, pages viewed, the IP address and location of your device, etc.). This information is collected both when you are identified and when you have not identified yourself and is reconciled between them, regardless of the terminal you are using. This site and/or this Application use technologies of tracking of advertising partners: For more information, we invite you on this point to consult our cookies notice.

Combination of data. Figaro Classifieds, commercial partners including certain companies of the Figaro Group as well as third party advertising partners, may combine data obtained from all these sources with other data in their possession and produce profile data enabling advertising targeting.


Use of the Site, Application and Services. Le Figaro Properties also collects personal data about you in the following cases and notably for the following purposes:

- Account creation, including account validation and security

- Subscription to an email alert and/or our newsletters

- Sending a request for information to a real estate professional

- Ensuring the security of the Site, Application and Services.

- Organisation of surveys, conferences and events.

- Facilitating and improving navigation on the Site and the Application.

Statistics. We also use the data collected for research and statistical purposes.

Promotional offers and advertising. With your consent where required, we use data collected through the Site, Application or Services to provide you with targeted services and promotional offers. We establish user profiles and advertising targeting to address or display on the Site or Application content on real estate, ads tailored to your interests or that we think may be of interest to you, including using technologies that place cookies on your device or in emails that we send to you. Similarly, our partners may also establish such profiles to address you or display such content on other sites such as real estate ads that match your search criteria.

This is done in order to enhance the value of the Figaro Group's audience and databases. Please note that your data will not be shared without your consent when required.

Certain data are also retained to meet our legal obligations and to defend our interests in the event of litigation or legal action.


Site, Application and Services of Le Figaro Properties. Unless otherwise indicated, Figaro Classifieds, in its capacity as publisher of the Site and the Application, is the data controller within the meaning of applicable legislation concerning the processing of personal data implemented to ensure the operation of the Site, the Application and the provision of Services.

However, when you fill in a form requesting information on a property, your personal data may be forwarded, consulted, used and saved by real estate professionals (estate agencies, developers, builders, networks of agents, solicitors) who also act as data controllers. Consequently, the processing carried out by these professionals is subject to their privacy policies which we invite you to consult.

Display and advertising targeting.  Certain useful treatments for advertising displays on the Site or the Application are implemented by our company and/or third-party partners who are responsible for the technologies used to collect data (such as identifiers contained in the cookies associated with the pages visited), for advertising targeting purposes, including on other sites. We invite you to refer to our cookies policy for this point, by consulting the cookies notice on this Site.

Links to other sites. The Site and the Application may also contain links to other sites, applications or services offered by third parties (such as insurance or mortgage brokers for example). This policy does not apply to such sites or services. In this case, we invite you to consult the personal data protection practices of these sites, applications or third parties.

We only collect personal data when we have a legal basis for doing so.

The personal data described above are collected because they are (i) necessary for the execution of the contracts you have subscribed to (user account, etc.), and/or (ii) necessary for purposes of legitimate interest, in particular to offer you suitable content, perform statistics, protect the Site and the Application against unauthorised use, and/or (iii) necessary to comply with our legal obligations.

Apart from these cases, they are also collected on the basis of your consent, for example when you fill out a contact form, register for an e-mail alert, or when such consent is required by law (for example to e-mail you offers from partners).

How long do we keep your data?

Your personal data will be kept for as long as it is necessary to provide you with our Services and for a maximum period of five (5) years starting from your last interaction with our Services.

Data retention periods vary depending on whether: you have a current contractual relationship with us (you are an active user), you have had a contractual relationship with us in the past (you are an inactive user), or you have never had a contractual relationship of this type (you are a prospective customer).

When you browse our online Services, data is collected by cookies; in all cases, this data can not be retained for more than thirteen (13) months. The data retention principles are shown below:



Data retention periods

Data related to an active user

User account management

Throughout the entire contractual relationship

Data related to an inactive user (print or online subscriptions, purchases)

Sending information about our publications and offers

Five (5) years starting from the last interaction with our Services

Data related to a prospective customer

Compilation and management of a file of prospective customers

Three (3) years from the start of the data collection or the last contact from the prospective customer

Data collected when you browse our online Services (cookies)

Functioning and improvement of the website and services, audience measurement data, content personalisation and targeted ads.

Thirteen (13) months maximum

In certain cases, we may archive certain types of personal data even if you delete your account; this may be due to a legal obligation or to provide evidence if there is a problem with this account, such as a complaint or an unresolved dispute. In this case, the data required to resolve the problem or dispute will be retained as long as the dispute remains unresolved in accordance with the applicable rules in this respect. After this period, the data will be deleted.


Your personal data may also be disclosed to real estate professionals when you fill out a contact form on an ad.

In the context of the use of the Services, some of your information is disclosed to our service providers and subcontractors intervening to provide the Services, within the limits necessary for their intervention. Thus, your personal data are, for example, forwarded to our technical service providers as part of hosting our servers.

With your consent when required, certain personal data concerning you may be shared between the Le Figaro Group entities for research, analysis and segmentation purposes, as well as for commercial prospecting purposes. They may also be shared with our business partners who may send you information about their products and services as well as real estate ads that match your search criteria.

We may also share information about you with our external counsel in the event of a dispute.

Data about you may also be shared in cases not described above with your consent or where we are required to do so by law. Thus, when you use the social buttons, data relating to your identification is automatically communicated to these social networks.

In the event that all or part of the activities of Figaro Classifieds Company are sold, your Personal Data will be communicated to the purchaser in order to ensure the continuity of the Services and/or, unless otherwise specified, for commercial prospecting purposes with your consent when required.


Your personal data are protected by technical and organisational measures that comply with legal and regulatory requirements, to ensure their security and confidentiality.

In particular, Le Figaro Properties uses protection technologies, such as encryption and authentication systems, to protect your online account.

Figaro Classifieds ensures, in accordance with written commitments, that its service providers offer sufficient guarantees to ensure the protection of the personal data entrusted to them for processing.


We store your Personal Data in the European Union. However, the data we collect when you use our Site, Application or Services may be transferred outside the European Union to countries whose applicable data protection legislation differs from that applicable in France.

Such transfers are made subject to appropriate safeguards in accordance with applicable data protection regulations.

Furthermore, when you benefit from our Services, such as the possibility of contacting real estate professionals, your data may be disclosed to, consulted, used and saved by professionals located outside the European Union. If so, we invite you to read their privacy policies.


How to unsubscribe from alerts?

After logging in with your login details to "My Account" at the top right, click « Mon compte » en haut à droite, cliquez sur « My Saved Searches and Email Alerts » and then click the cross to remove the alert.

* You can also click on the unsubscribe link inserted in each of our communications.

How to unsubscribe from newsletters?

After logging in with your login details to "My account" at the top right, click on "My saved searches and email alerts" and then click on "Edit my profile" in the right column. Finally, uncheck the box "I agree to receive the newsletter Le Figaro Properties" or another subscription.

* You can also click on the unsubscribe link inserted in each of our newsletters.

What are my commercial prospection options?

You may withdraw your consent to commercial prospecting at any time by:

* Unchecking the box "I agree to receive information from partners of Le Figaro Properties" or by clicking on the unsubscribe link inserted in each of our communications.

* By contacting us as described in the Contact Us section.


You may at any time withdraw your consent to the use of technologies (cookies, tracers) enabling targeted advertising (e.g. to display on our Site, our Application or third-party sites advertising tailored to your profile or that we consider likely to interest you) by setting your choices here. For more information, please refer to our Cookies Info notice.

Note, refusing targeted advertising will not prevent the display or reception of other types of non-targeted advertising.


Access and copy

You have a right of access and communication to your personal data.

Before responding to your request, we are required by law to verify your identity. We may ask you to provide us with more information to respond to your request. We will do our best to respond to your request as soon as possible.

If you have an account at Le Figaro Properties, you can directly access the data contained in your account online by logging in.

This access also allows you to correct, modify or delete your contact data.

You can also delete your account online by logging in to "My Account", then clicking on "My Saved Searches and Email Alerts", then "Edit My Profile" in the right column. Finally click on "Delete my account" at the bottom of the page.

If you are unable to access your account or to access other data, please contact us as described in the Contact Us section below.

Obtaining the correction of inaccurate personal data

You also have the possibility to request the correction of any personal data concerning you that are incorrect and to limit their processing while they are being corrected. You also have the right, depending on the nature of the processing, to request that the personal data in our possession be completed. In this case, we may ask you for supporting documents.

If you are unable to access your account or if the data you wish to correct cannot be corrected through access to your account, please contact us as described in Contact Us section below.

Withdrawing your consent to the processing of your personal data

When the processing of your personal data is based on your consent (such as registering for an e-mail alert, sending electronic commercial solicitations for services and products other than those you have already subscribed to, using cookies and similar technologies on this site), you have the right at any time to withdraw your consent. This right is exercised by modifying your options as regards registration to our e-mail alerts, commercial prospecting, as well as by withdrawing your consent to the placement of cookies according to the methods mentioned in our cookies notice.

Obtaining the deletion of your personal data

You may also request the deletion of your personal data in the following cases:

- You consider that our processing of your data is no longer necessary with regard to the Services you have subscribed to or your use of the Site and/or the Application, or the achievement of the purposes referred to above in this policy or that their retention is contrary to law

- You have withdrawn your consent to the processing of your data (see above Withdrawing your consent to the processing of your personal data)

- You object to the processing of your personal data for reasons related to your personal situation

- You object to the use of your data for commercial prospecting purposes

- Your data was collected online while you were a minor.

Alternatively, you may, within the limits provided by law, request that the processing of your personal data be limited.

Please note that notwithstanding the exercise of your right to erasure or limitation, we may retain certain personal data about you, where required or permitted by law, where we have a legitimate reason to do so, for the exercise or defence of legal rights, or where the exercise of that right violates the right to freedom of expression and information.

Share your post-mortem instructions with us

You also have the right to set guidelines regarding the fate of your Personal Data after your death.


If you have any questions about this data protection policy or if you have any questions about your personal data, you can contact us: Online by sending an e-mail to the following address:

- By mail to the following address: Figaro Classifieds -Figaro Classifieds - Le Figaro Properties service DPO, 9 rue de Caumartin, 75009 Paris, France

You are also informed that you have the right to submit to the CNIL any complaint concerning the processing of data concerning you.

We may change this policy from time to time to reflect changes in our practices, to further clarify our practices or to ensure compliance with regulations.